To Improve Coil Efficiency

Basically, this is depend upon winding construction, instead of Wining Design.
Key is to transfer energy from primary coil into secondary coil as much as possible.

Even wining
It is most important to wind wire even from edge to edge of bobbin. This is applicable for both, primary winding and secondary winding.

Insufficient type of primary winding
In case due to number of turns, the winding end at middle of bobbin, the wire should be changed to larger diameter. Or same diameter wire should be winded parallel.

Insufficient type of Secondary winding
In case two secondary winding are winded on same layer, the layer become full, However, this is very bad example of wining design.
Diameter of wires should be substituted to lager diameter to fulfill a layer by single winding.

Construction of Transformer wire windings
If number of turn is not enough to finish winding from edge to edge of bobbin, Winding should have space to adjust such extra distance evenly.

Sandwich Style Winding Construction
(a)Currency Dividing (b)Voltage Dividing (c)Construction of Winding
This is a winding method of primary winding, which covers secondary coil by Multiple layers of windings.
(a) is called as Currency Divide Winding ands each winding is connected to terminal series.
(b)Is to divide by Voltage. This also connect end of wires to terminal series.
Currency Divide Method and Voltage Winding method is selected depend upon situation.
In case of large Currency runs in the transformer, big diameter winding wire is us and less number of winding, So Currency Dividing is more practical.
On the other hand, High Voltage causes long small diameter coil wire, Currency Dividing.
Is more preferred. In any event, these types of winding makes construction design of transformer very complicated.

Str-Capactity of Transformer
Cs:Stre Capacity
The above type of winding causes to increase CS-Stre-Capacttance between winding.
Actually, this CS causes Noise which moves from either primary to secondary or secondary to primary winding and goes to circuit.
Switching Regulator Switching Frequency may cause large problem.
So probably Multi-later should be limited up to 3 layers for primary and 2 layers for Secondary winding.

*Explanation above are extraction from each material.

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